Top 10k strings from Star Trail (1983)(Sinclair Research).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   5 ;"Too slow, aliens have attacked  ":
   4 s$(l,m)=".":
   4 ;b$;b$;b$;b$:
   3 d$(j)>"9")
   3 , and not available for";
   3 );" hour"+("s"
   2 w$=a$(co+28
   2 w$=a$(co+11
   2 w$(j)>"9")
   2 s$(x,y)=".":
   2 s$(p,q)=".":
   2 nu=nu+((w$(j)<"0"
   2 nu=nu+((d$(j)<"0"
   2 new=false:
   2 enter torpedo course.
   2 a=a+(s$(n,m)="
   2 You forgot to type anything!    Try again and enter course.
   2 Well done!
   2 Phasers damaged by an alien    attack
   2 Aliens fire ...
   2 ;q$;")";'''"
   2 ;b$;b$;b$;b$;b$;
   2 ;b$;b$;b$;b$
   2 ;"Too slow, under alien attack.   ":
   2 ;"That was wrong. Shields can onlyuse energy between 0 and 500    units.  Please try again.":
   2 ;"(";p$;",";:
   2 7  8  1"''h$;"6  0  2"''h$;"5  4  3
   1 w$=a$(co+17
   1 v$(j)<"0"):
   1 t>(k+ro)*4
   1 s$(p,q)="."
   1 s$(p,q)="*":
   1 r(l)=r(l)-1
   1 r(a)=r(a)+
   1 nu=nu+(v$(j)>"9"
   1 nu=nu+(f$(j)<"0"
   1 n=(r+l)*10
   1 local navigation
   1 i$=a$(i+17
   1 g$(z)="000 0"
   1 f(c))+" "+
   1 f$(j)>"9"):
   1 exit=true:
   1 exit=false:
   1 ch=ch+((d$(j)<"0"
   1 black hole
   1 an injured Klingon"''"
   1 a$(l);" - ";r$(l):
   1 a Klingon"''"
   1 Your torpedoes are damaged!
   1 Your phasers are damaged!
   1 Your mission is to destroy the  aliens and so save the Galaxy.
   1 You must destroy the aliens"'"before they kill us.
   1 You may only use manual docking when the Endeavour is 
   1 You have left the Galaxy and    are falling into a black hole!  "''"
   1 You have destroyed the whole of the alien fleet.  We are now    safe.
   1 You fought a gallant fight
   1 You cannot travel through stars,Klingons, Romulens or starbases.
   1 You can divert up to 500 units  of energy to provide shielding  against alien attacks."''"Initially your shields are set  at zero."
   1 Would you like to try STAR TRAILonce more?"''"Please answer 
   1 Which computer command shall I  explain?
   1 Which command shall I explain?  
   1 Well done! You have injured a   Klingon
   1 We are fighting the evil
   1 Use the direction keys (5 to 8) to move the Endeavour as you    require.
   1 Under local navigation, the
   1 Torpedoes missed - bad course.
   1 Torpedoes damaged by an alien   attack
   1 Torpedo courses must be between 0 and 8, 
   1 Too late! The alien fleet has   attacked and destroyed the
   1 To dock successfully, you must:"''''" - enter the hole beneath the
   1 This tells you:"''"
   1 This position is outside the Galaxy. Please try again.
   1 This gives you information on:"''" 
   1 This displays the contents of   the 64 locations in the current sector.
   1 This computer function gives youmanual control of the Endeavour during the final stages of
   1 This command is used to set the phaser power."
   1 This calculates the torpedo
   1 They missed!
   1 There are:
   1 There are no Romulens near here!
   1 There are no Klingons or
   1 There are no Klingons in this
   1 The following symbols are used:"'''"
   1 The Endeavour is on her way ... 
   1 The Endeavour is currently in   the sector where the values are 
   1 Successful docking will:
   1 Star date T minus ";t;" hours."'''"
   1 Sorry,it's damaged.  Repair timeis ";r(i);" hour"+("s
   1 Should the aliens damage your   main navigation system, you can still use 
   1 Romulens in this sector!
   1 Romulen, it was the last of the Romulen invasion fleet.
   1 Returning to initial orbit.
   1 Press: P=Phaser S=Stop T=Torpedo
   1 Press any key to continue.
   1 Please type the code letters.
   1 Please type in a code.
   1 Please try again with a  position inside the Galaxy!
   1 Phasers can destroy or damage   Klingons, but do not affect
   1 Perhaps your tactics can be
   1 Perhaps you should have used a  better navigator  ...
   1 No starbases within range -
   1 No Torpedoes left
   1 NVSSLSPHTOSDDMCMRSINHPLGGMGGCCTCMDnvsslsphtosddmcmrsinhplggmggcctcmd
   1 Klingon, it was the last of the Klingon invasion fleet.
   1 Insufficient energy to maintain your life support systems.
   1 If you press 
   1 If the Endeavour navigates off  the edge of the Galaxy, it is   drawn into a 
   1 Hit by a Klingon or Romulen
   1 Having set your phasers, you    will automatically enter COMBAT MODE. This is explained next."
   1 Good luck, you'll need it!
   1 For this one command, you should
   1 Enter warp factor (0 to 0.3)    
   1 Enter warp factor
   1 Enter phaser power.
   1 Enter direction
   1 Enter course of the torpedo.    
   1 Enter course
   1 Enter computer command (HP=Help)
   1 Enter command (HP=HELP)
   1 During COMBAT MODE
   1 Don't panic! You are winning.
   1 Congratulations!
   1 Condition 
   1 An alien's fire may damage the  Endeavour. This depends on the  setting of your shields.
   1 A torpedo course must be a
   1 A long range scan shows what is in each sector round the
   1 ;q$;")"''':
   1 ;a$(i);"   ";r$(i):
   1 ;'''" If you would like details of    the commands, please type 
   1 ;''"Since each command equates to 1 hour, if the damage is severe,  it is better to dock as soon as possible so that all repairs canbe carried out.":
   1 ;'" You are at (";r-1
   1 ;'" - ";ro;" Romulen interceptor"+("s"
   1 ;"damaged ";
   1 ;"You're lucky - they missed!
   1 ;"You must fire more quickly:
   1 ;"You move within the Galaxy by   entering:"''" - a course or direction.
   1 ;"You have just blasted your
   1 ;"You have blasted a star.":
   1 ;"You forgot to type a number.    Try again.
   1 ;"Would you like more? Type 
   1 ;"Total energy:
   1 ;"Torpedoes can destroy Klingons, Romulens, stars and starbases!  They don't miss providing you   enter the correct course! (This is as in navigation.)"
   1 ;"Torpedo ";g;" ";
   1 ;"Too slow, aliens have attacked":
   1 ;"Time    ";t;" ";
   1 ;"Shields lowered for docking":
   1 ;"Shield energy:
   1 ;"Phasers set at ";ff;" units.
   1 ;"Phasers missed";b$;b$;b$:
   1 ;"Operational energy: ";e;
   1 ;"More about the computer? (y/n)  ":
   1 ;"How much energy do you want to"'"use for the shields?"
   1 ;"Help with another command? (y/n)":
   1 ;"Enter start position ";:
   1 ;"Enter destination ";
   1 ;"Energy  ";e;
   1 ;"Each navigation command takes 1 star date to carry out."''"You also use 10 energy units    for each sector location (or    square) which you cross." 
   1 ;"EXPLANATION OF ";r$(co);''':
   1 ;"EXPLANATION OF ";r$(8
   1 ;"Docking failed - energy: ";e
   1 ;"Distance:";w:
   1 ;"DIRECTION";
   1 ;"Current position is (";r-1
   1 ;"Code Command":
   1 ;"COMPUTER: ";c$(co)'':
   1 ;"... Starbase destroyed
   1 ;"): ";p$:
   1 ;" DAMAGED  "'"Repair time ";r(l):
   1 ;" ";a$(m+11
   1 ;"   (";r-1
   1 810082008240830084008500
   1 001 0000 0003 0100 0
   1 ."''"Note that the border colour alsoindicates the condition."
   1 . "'" If not, please type 
   1 - the layout of the Galaxy, and   how to find named sectors"''" - the contents of each sector"''"
   1 );" - ";c$(m):
   1 );"    ";c$(m):
   1 )*(k+ro)+25
   1 )'c$(co);''':
   1 )''" - ";b;" Starbase"+("s"
   1 )"''"   - up to 2 Romulen craft (
   1 )"''"   - at most, 1 Starbase (
   1 ) and Romulens (
   1 ((q-q1)/w)*4
   1 ((p-p1)*(p-p1)+(q-q1)*(q-q1)):
   1 ';"Energy now ";e:
   1 ''''" Near the bottom of the screen   is the symbol ""
   1 ''"You have to guide the Endeavour from above the starbase to the  opening beneath it, without
   1 ''"You can set your phaser power toany whole number in the range   0 to 100."
   1 ''"When you are next to a starbase you may dock to replenish your  ship with fuel, energy and arms."''"Good luck!":
   1 ''"Unfortunately, movement is then very slow - it takes time for   your navigator to double check  your course!"'''"
   1 ''"Torpedoes travel in straight    lines and use no energy."'''"You are limited to 10 torpedoes per flight."'''"Docking renews your supply."
   1 ''"The higher you set your shields,the better is your protection,  but 100% defence is impossible!"'''"On docking, your shields are    automatically lowered.  Rememberto raise them later!"
   1 ''"The Galaxy is divided into 16   quadrants, which are named:"''
   1 ''"Repairs complete.
   1 ''"Remember, while you are jotting down the values, the aliens
   1 ''"Phasers can travel through starsor other obstructions to reach  all the Klingons in a sector. "''"The greater the strength of yourphasers the more likely they areto hit the Klingons."
   1 ''"Most computer functions have    been damaged by alien fire and  are now being repaired."''"The micro-computer controlling  manual docking is the only part of the system available.  This  will help you to dock, if
   1 ''"Enter each of the four
   1 ''"Each quadrant is divided into 4 sectors, numbered 1 to 4.":
   1 ''"Course:";d;"  ";
   1 ''"Condition 
   1 ''"COMBAT MODE is explained under  the HELP section on PHASERS."
   1 ''"As your warp engines are damagedyou may use warp factors of upto0.3.  This means you may only   use local navigation."
   1 ''"All systems fully operational.  Separation countdown starting."
   1 ''"A sector may contain:"''"   - up to 6 stars (*)"''"   - up to 2 Klingon craft (
   1 ''" CODE  COMMAND":
   1 ''" - a warp factor or distance.
   1 '"You will then enter COMBAT MODE if there are still Klingons in  the sector, or COMMAND MODE if  there are no aliens at all."
   1 '"The digits show respectively:"'" - the total number of aliens"'" - the number of starbases"'" - the number of stars.
   1 '"Every time you fire a phaser,   your energy is decreased by yourcurrent phaser power setting."
   1 '" These are the voyages of the    starship Endeavour, on a five   year mission, to boldly go
   1 '" - the number of Klingons"'" - the number of Romulens"'" - the number of starbases and   - the number of stars."
   1 '" - ";k;" ";"Klingon battlecruiser"+("s"
   1 "irrepairably.":
   1 "This shows the contents of the  64 sectors of the Galaxy."''"It gives a three digit number   to represent the contents of thesectors the Endeavour has been  in or near."
   1 "This lists the current status ofthe starship's equipment."''"If equipment is damaged, then   the repair times are given."
   1 "This lets you end this attempt  at saving the Galaxy from the   aliens."'''"You may accept a new challenge  from the aliens if you so wish.":
   1 "This computer function will
   1 "If you leave a sector, and
   1 "After you have fired a torpedo, you will be asked for another   course until:"''" - there are no Romulens left
   1 "'''"The Galaxy sends you its thanks."
   1 "'''"If you press, say, 5 to go left,you continue to do so until you cancel the motion by pressing   the key with the opposite effect(in this case 8)."''"Pressing a key twice makes you  move twice as fast in that
   1 "'''"Damaged equipment can't be used until it has been repaired by:"
   1 "'''"But can the Endeavour remain in working order long enough for   you to enter the commands
   1 "''"Status information is also shownon the screen, including one of the three conditions 
   1 "''"Initialising repair sequence.":
   1 "''"Docking successful.
   1 "''" - repair all damaged equipment"''" - rearm the Endeavour with ten    torpedoes"''" - refuel the ship with 5000
   1 "".  When you"'" see this during the game,
   1  within a sector."
   1  while the computer scans the    Galaxy."'''"
   1  where no man has gone before,   and free the Galaxy of all
   1  victory for Earth."
   1  units of energy."
   1  to stop the combat.
   1  to leave combat  mode, then the aliens may well  attack the Endeavour while it   is trying to leave the combat   area."''''"The only other way to leave
   1  to fire a torpedo, or
   1  to activate your phasers    - 
   1  to a starbase."''"If you are unsure, remember
   1  the condition will be 
   1  starbase.
   1  starbase!
   1  starbase at slow speed"'''" - always stay on the screen"'''" - not touch any red areas."
   1  required to fire?"
   1  remember to press the 
   1  press ENTER at the end."
   1  possible, so rapid servicing canoccur."
   1  or a decimal number.
   1  only occurs when the Endeavour is within range ofa starbase."
   1  on the screen at the time."
   1  of 1 moves the Endeavour
   1  navigate between the start and  finish points that you specify."
   1  means the Endeavouris safe, for the time being.
   1  means aliens arein the current sector ... They  can attack the Endeavour at any time."'''"Condition 
   1  later re-enter it, by that time all damaged Klingons will have  been repaired."
   1  in the sector, or"''" - you have no torpedoes left."
   1  improved in a fight to save
   1  going out of docking range. "
   1  for the freedom of our Galaxy.  These aliens are trying to
   1  direction."
   1  courses required to hit each    Romulen in the current sector.
   1  could be damaging your torpedo  function!
   1  conquer us."''"For the sake of mankind,they    must be stopped."''"Their warships are now widely   spread throughout the Galaxy."; 
   1  combat mode is to destroy all   the aliens in the sector."
   1  co-ordinates separately.  "'''"NOTE: if the resultant course isa whole number, the warp factor may be distorted."
   1  calculate the course and warp   factor required for you to
   1  but ..."'':
   1  between 0 and 8, as shown
   1  another galaxy!"''"
   1  and the TV border 
   1  alien Klingons and Romulens."'''" There will be a short delay
   1  a short rangescan of the sector is displayed.You are given a short time in   which to press:"
   1  a Romulen"''"
   1  You've killed  a Klingon
   1  You've destroyed a   Romulen.
   1  You've destroyed a   Klingon.
   1  This is given as a number
   1  This can be a whole number
   1  They're attacking!":
   1  The aliens won't wait for you...":
   1  Romulens.
   1  Mothership.
   1  Klingons (
   1  For example, a warp factor
   1  Endeavour."''"Four digits are used to describethe contents of a sector."''"They show respectively:"
   1  Endeavour can only move between one and three squares at a time.
   1  Docking aborted.
   1  COMPUTER    
   1  1 sector. A warp factor of
   1  0.1 will move it 1 square
   1  - waiting the specified time
   1  - the number of Klingons left"''" - the number of Romulens left"
   1  - the aliens.
   1  - how many starbases remain"''" - the time left to achieve
   1  (each command takes 1 hour)"''" - locating and docking with a
   1  "'"docking advised
   1   the Endeavour"''"
   1   one of your starbases"''"
   1   an empty location
   1   a star"''"
   1    key once you have finished
   1    ";k+ro;" ";